Reach for Success

职业生涯, Community & 生活

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Thanks to Our Platinum Presidential 就职典礼 Sponsor, Sodexo!



Vicky Free Sistrunk, Spring 2024 毕业典礼 Speaker

Columbia College is thrilled to announce Vicky Free Sistrunk, Chief Impact Officer of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, as the Spring 2024 毕业典礼...
martin lang, students, and trout sculpture


Columbia Streams Art Installment by Studio Art Students

Columbia College Studio Art students Vienne Geren, Madi西斯摩尔, and Anthony Monaco, under the direction of Assistant Professor of Studio Art Martin...
jake deer headshot


Columbia College Appoints Jake Deer as First Men’s Basketball Coach

Fall 2024 will launch the inaugural season of Columbia College Men’s Basketball, coached by Jake Deer. Jake joins Koala 线上澳博app from a 21-year...
alumni weekend graphic



April 19, 2024 - 2024年4月20日

Join us for a fantastic weekend of reconnecting, 回忆, and celebrating with fellow Columbia College alumni! Whether you are joining us for your...


Columbia College Appoints Alumna Sara Snell Whitaker as Assistant Vice President for 校友 Engagement

President John H. Dozier is proud to announce the appointment of Sara Snell Whitaker ‘99, as the Assistant Vice President for 校友 Engagement at...

Where meaningful majors become rewarding careers.

Behind the Stat

Get the skills employers want. Graduate ready for a rewarding career.

Behind the Stat

Small classes and professors who care.

“I am most proud to be an alumnus of this institution with such a rich history of educating and empowering students to change the world!”

— Matthew Melvin

Master’s in Trauma Informed Education Graduate

Get unlimited support. Explore countless options.

"I love the freedom of being able to work full-time and go to school easily."

— Shanee’ Dillard

在线 Criminal Justice Student

Best 在线 Master's & 在线 by US 新闻 & 世界报道

Behind the Stat

High-quality degrees that are flexible enough for you.

Connect with a campus that elevates everyone.

1 in 3 students are on varsity athletic teams at Columbia College

Behind the Stat

玩 the sport you love while preparing for a career you'll love.

Behind the Stat

Join a culture that cares for each other and gives back to society.

“The moment I stepped on campus everyone treated me like a part of the family. I loved the deep sense of community that I felt and had not witnessed anywhere else.”



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