Reach for Success

职业生涯, Community & 生活

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adrienne headshot mma


Dr. Adrienne Oxley Shares Expertise on Environmental Effects of PCBs

"BISHOPVILLE, S.C. — The cleanup continued in Bishopville on Friday evening after 250 gallons of contaminated transformer oil spilled days earlier...
maggie moore on campus


Alumna Maggie Moore Shares Trauma-Informed Education Expertise in Published Work

Maggie Moore completed her Master of Trauma-Informed Education degree in 2023. As one of her capstone assignments, she wrote an article for...
vienne geren headshot


Student Spotlight: Vienne Geren

First-year honors student and tennis player Vienne Geren, a double major in Studio Art and Biology, was selected to participate in the Partners in the...
mechelle english '14


Mechelle English Announced as Vice President of Development

President of Columbia College, Dr. 约翰H. 生气, is proud to announce the appointment of Mechelle English, MA ‘14 as the next Vice President of...
softball player batting


Koalas Edged 10-9 by Brenau at AAC Tournament

Columbia College was edged by 5th seed Brenau University (Ga.) 10-9 in heartbreaking fashion on Thursday afternoon in the Koala's second straight...

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Get the skills employers want. Graduate ready for a rewarding career.

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Small classes and professors who care.

“I am most proud to be an alumnus of this institution with such a rich history of educating and empowering students to change the world!”

— Matthew Melvin

Master’s in Trauma Informed Education Graduate

Get unlimited support. Explore countless options.

"I love the freedom of being able to work full-time and go to school easily."

— Shanee’ Dillard

在线 Criminal Justice Student

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High-quality degrees that are flexible enough for you.

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1 in 3 students are on varsity athletic teams at Columbia College

Behind the Stat

玩 the sport you love while preparing for a career you'll love.

Behind the Stat

Join a culture that cares for each other and gives back to society.

“The moment I stepped on campus everyone treated me like a part of the family. I loved the deep sense of community that I felt and had not witnessed anywhere else.”



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